Joy in the Mourning - Traditional

Apr 23, 2023    Pastor Diane Mendelson

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection: 

Read Matthew 5: 1-12 – The Beatitudes.

1. Read Matthew 5: 4. What are your initial thoughts about this passage?

2. When you really think about the word “mourn” how does it make you feel? Have you ever realized that Jesus is giving you permission to mourn? Does that change your thoughts about mourning?

3. Pastor Diane spoke about “coping mechanisms.” Are you able to mourn your hurts and pains or do you isolate and keep all your emotions hidden? Are you aware of your own “coping mechanisms”? If so, what are they? Are they healthy coping skills or not?

4. In this study, Chandler asks the question, “Why would mourning be a Kingdom to come? What is the Kingdom to come? What about the Kingdom we’re in right now? What things take place in the Kingdom right now that might instill mourning?

5. What is your relationship with Jesus Christ? Pastor Diane spoke about “mourning your sins” and how that can bring you closer to Jesus. Is that something you’ve experienced? Is that something you need to work on?

6. Chandler described this statement, “Conviction is an invitation to a better life...not condemnation.” What does this statement mean to you? How does the Holy Spirit convict you when you sin?

7. Pastor Diane shared three signs that Chandler had described as a means for mourning the Kingdom to Come. If you follow these you think your outlook on mourning will take on a different look? If so, how?

Prayer for the Week:

Precious Jesus, you shared with us on the Sermon on the Mount the ever powerful Beatitudes. You have told us “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Lord, we are in mourning; please send us your comfort now. Wrap your loving arms around us and hold us tight. We would ask that you please send your angels of mercy to be upon us and shower us with your love and a peace that passes all understanding. We are trusting in You, almighty Lord. Amen.