Established in 2016, Grand Lake United Methodist Church was formed through the uniting of St. Paul's and Montezuma UMC's and a shared vision to spread the hope of Jesus Christ across the Grand Lake region.
Our Mission
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision
To be a church that spreads real hope for real life in Jesus Christ across the Grand Lake region.
Our Strategy
REACH - Reaching people of all ages right where they are in order to help them discover the life-changing love of Jesus Christ.
CONNECT - Connecting people to a loving faith community where they can develop a relationship with God and others.
GROW - Helping people intentionally grow to be more like Jesus.
SERVE - Sending people to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our community and world.


Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love God and love others. If we do not have love not much else matters.
Jesus said the greatest commandments are to love God and love others. If we do not have love not much else matters.

Relationships are central to who God is and real ministry cannot happen apart from them.
Relationships are central to who God is and real ministry cannot happen apart from them.

God has a divine plan to reveal truth through the scriptures and as a church all we do must be rooted in the Bible.
God has a divine plan to reveal truth through the scriptures and as a church all we do must be rooted in the Bible.

If life is ultimately about our relationship with God then we can not flourish in any area of life or ministry apart from talking with God constantly through prayer.
If life is ultimately about our relationship with God then we can not flourish in any area of life or ministry apart from talking with God constantly through prayer.

Theories and big ideas are great, but not very valuable unless they relate to real, ordinary life.
Theories and big ideas are great, but not very valuable unless they relate to real, ordinary life.