"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations"
Matthew 28:19
At Grand Lake Church we seek to partner with missionaries and ministries across the street and around the world so that more and more people have the opportunity to discover the hope of Jesus Christ. Here is a list of our current missions partnerships:
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1:8
Choosing Life Pregnancy Center
We are a ministry to help those who find themselves in a pregnancy situation and are looking for the services we provide. All of our services are free. There are no age or income guidelines for our services. The services we offer are: pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, adoption planning, counseling and parenting classes. Our clients also shop free in our boutique. The boutique is open to the public and we accept donations of all types, such as clothing, furniture, crafts, kitchenware, tools, etc. We also welcome volunteers to work in the boutique. We are located at 560 Touvelle St., Celina.

House of Hope

House of Hope are two homes, one for men and one for women, that offer refuge and a safe living environment for those recovering from addiction.
OUR Home Family Resource Center
An organization that seeks to provide for, serve and inspire change in individuals, in families, and in the communities of Mercer County with a vision of "empowering people to grow from crisis to hope."

SOLS - Saving One Lost Sheep

S.O.L.S. is a Christ-centered, nondenominational independent outreach ministry that works with our churches in the greater Grand Lake area to bring the Gospel (Good News of Jesus Christ) to the least, last, lost and lonely.
CALL Food Pantry
This non-profit, Christian based organization was founded by local area church leaders to serve the community, allowing for one central agency to utilize the resources offered by many different churches. Founded in 1990, this organization has brought many different people together to serve as Jesus' Hands and Feet to the low-income citizens of Mercer County. We rely on donations from individuals, organizations and businesses to fund our entirely volunteer organization. We accept no government commodities or government grants which would inhibit our ministering to our clients in the name of Jesus Christ. We verify all income, family sizes and residency in Mercer County. Over one-hundred volunteers make the following ministries happen: 1) Food Pantry - serves 600+ families, involving 2,300+ individuals every month. These families make a combined 900+ visits every month. (Families can shop once every two weeks) We provide enough food each month to prepare over 54,000 meals. 2) The Mercer County Back Pack Program - serves any Kindergarten - 4th grade student, who qualifies for the "Free-Lunch" Program at school, with a bag of food every Friday of the school year. This school year we are serving 330 students that are in the school systems in Mercer County. Celina, Parkway, Coldwater, Fort Recovery, St. Henry and Marion Local school systems all participate in this important program. Each bag of food contains two breakfast, two lunches, two dinners, two snacks and two drinks, which sustains the children over the weekend so they arrive at school on Monday, ready to learn instead of watching the clock, waiting for lunch. 3) CALL Cafe - serves 65+ clients with a hot meal every Tuesday of the year. This meal is served at the Junior Fair Building at the Mercer County Fairgrounds and is open only to CALL Food Pantry Clients. Volunteers from fourteen different organizations provide the food, cook the food, serve the food then practice "Friend Evangelism" while they eat with the Clients. 4) "Work 4" Program - this program allows Clients to "work 4" large household items such as refrigerators, stoves, washers, dryers, couches, tables & chairs, etc. The large household items are donated to us, our volunteer places the number of hours on the item that must be "worked" to earn the item then if a client wants an item, they sign an agreement to complete the work in a specified number of days. we then place the client into a volunteer position with us or a number of different agencies and once the hours are completed they receive the item they were working for. In 2015, 83 clients have worked 445 hours to earn items. 5) Aquaponics Bay - We grow our own delicious and nutritious garden greens in a unique three-part system that consists of a tank of fish, a bacteria medium and a water tank to grow leafy greens. The fish supply raw nutrients, the bacteria convert these into plant food and the water tank contains vegetable plants to supply salad greens to supplement our clients' diets. 6) CALL Food Bank - God has blessed this ministry and our Board believes that God blesses us to be a blessing to others. We have a large warehouse and the ability to purchase large quantities of food items with large discounts direct from the manufacturer. This direct buying results in savings each year of well over $40,000. The Board then authorizes me to reach out to other food pantries and feeding organizations, offering them the same food items at our acquisition cost, thereby passing along some great and much needed savings to these smaller but very important agencies. We help agencies in Mercer, Auglaize, Allen and Shelby counties.

Hand Up Village

Christ centered nonprofit organization providing shelter for Mercer County residents who are homeless
Emergency Needs
This ministry offers assistance to people in the community that find themselves struggling to meet the basic needs of life.

Appalachia Service Project
ASP provides one of the most rewarding structured service opportunities in the nation, bringing thousands of volunteers from around the country to rural Central Appalachia to make homes safer, warmer and drier for low-income families.
Good Works
Good Works offers a Community of Hope for those struggling with poverty in rural Appalachia, providing biblical hospitality through shelters, residential care, job experience programs, creative volunteer service opportunities and community development in the context of Christian Community.

Inner City Mission
This mission team serves those less fortunate that are homeless and hungry in various cities. This team experiences the opportunity to pray with people, build relationships, as well as serve in soup kitchens and food banks.
ABWE / Doug & Kathy McClain “Germany"

Doug and Kathy are serving as missionaries in Pirmasens, Germany. Doug and Kathy have been assigned to work in a small church where they are sharing the gospel and implementing an outreach ministry to some of the refugees in Pirmasens. They desire to see their church grow and reach younger families with younger children.
Christ Faith Home for Children - India
CFHC serves needy sections of India, especially abandoned babies, destitute children, and deserted women. CFHC meets the needs of the orphaned and abandoned children by showing the love of God by holding, feeding, educating, caring for and rescuing them from their circumstances.

GROW International

G.R.O.W. started in the fall of 2009 with a vision to come alongside two extraordinary women who had taken in at-risk children in Thailand with no means of support — other than to pray and trust in God to provide. On a trip from the U.S. to Thailand, Pastor Ivanildo Trindade met Faa, and she shared her passion for children who are victims of physical and sexual abuse. Later, Faa came to the U.S. and a board of directors who also shared Faa’s passion was assembled. In October of 2009, G.R.O.W was formed. Since then, God has blessed G.R.O.W. as we seek to follow him and rescue His precious kids! Visit their website at grow-worldwide.com or contact Jeana Harley (Executive Director) at 330-465-9617 or jharley@grow-worldwide.com.
Rev. Gladstone “India"
Rev. Gladstone was called by God into the ministry in 1971. He began to serve as a missionary Evangelist with India Every Home Crusade. Rev. Gladstone has served in villages and slum churches and his desire is to win souls for Christ. He reaches the unreached and he trains young people to preach and plant churches.

Samaritans Purse “Operation Christmas Child"
OCC brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world by partnering with local churches and ministry partners to deliver gift-filled shoeboxes and the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ and His love.
WGM / Larry & Angie Overholt “Honduras"
Larry and Angie have been missionaries for over 25 years. They began serving underprivileged youth in Escuela El Sembrador. They then moved to Honduras to work in Hurricane Mitch relief efforts. Following the relief effort they began working in Community development and Church-planting. They have established ten churches, started a vocational school, opened the first Professional Technical Nursing High School in Honduras and most recently started a ministry outreach in the community of Apacilagua. They believe that by presenting a Biblical worldview and supporting education, Honduras can be transformed. God and the church are the foundation of everything they do.

Wycliffe / Brian & Beth Schwartz “Philippines"
Brian and Beth are serving Bible translation by serving in support roles. Brian serves as the Business Administrator and Facility Manager for Faith International Academy of Davao City. Faith International is an international Christian school that provides a good quality education primarily for children of missionaries working in Asia. Beth's roles are Scripture Engagement with a primary focus on Scripture use, Obo Manobo Old Testament Translation Project Manager, and Guesthouse Manager. Oversight of the translation project is critical at various stages to ensure good stewardship and integrity of the funds God has provided. It is a great blessing to distribute the translated word to the Bible-less people. It is an honor and privilege to be serving God in these ways. Please prayerfully consider becoming a member of their Wycliffe partnership team through prayer and finances.