Am I Accepted
Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:
Read John 8: 1-11.
1. Why did the Pharisees only bring the woman caught in adultery, and not the man also? What ulterior motive did the Pharisees have in bringing this woman before Jesus?
2. What was the significance of Jesus bending down and writing in the sand? What did that gesture mean in his cultural context?
3. What was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees that allowed him to spare the woman’s life without breaking the Law? What does this teach us about judging others? About grace?
4. How did the story about Tony Campolo and the prostitute named Agnus make you feel? To what kind of church did Tony Campolo say he belonged?
5. Pastor Mick said “grace comes first” and “grace precedes transformation.” What did he mean by that? How does that apply to today’s passage? Do you agree with Pastor Mick’s assessment? Why/why not?
6. How do you think Jesus would respond to the woman caught in adultery if he saw her again in the future and she was still committing adultery? Would he condemn her? Would he stone her? Would he forgive her?
7. Do you think true repentance happens quickly and completely, or is it something we have to work on for the rest of our lives?
8. What does it mean for us that Jesus did not condone the woman’s behavior, but neither did he condemn her? How does this inform us of the way we should treat ourselves and others?
Prayer for the Week:
Lord Jesus, thank you for accepting us despite our sin. Help us in turn
to be more accepting of others. Help us to put down our stones and extend a hand of grace. Help us to remind others that they too are beloved children of God and of sacred worth. And as we share this, and others hear it, may all of our lives be transformed more and more into your image, that we might change the world and advance your kingdom. We pray all of this in your name and to your glory, Lord Jesus. Amen.