"When GraceKnocks You Down" - Sermon
1. Read Acts 9: 1-19. How does Saul’s encounter with Jesus demonstrate God’s
2. Have you ever experienced a moment in your life where God’s grace completely
changed your direction?
3. Saul went from being a persecutor of Christians to one of the greatest apostles.
What does this say about the power of God’s grace?
4. How does Paul’s transformation challenge the way we view people who seem
"too far gone" for God to reach?
5. Paul’s first response after his conversion was to be baptized and begin preaching.
How do we respond when we experience God’s grace in our own lives?
6. What are some practical ways we can live as transformed people, just as Paul
7. Ananias played a crucial role in welcoming Saul and helping him take his first
steps as a believer. Who has been an “Ananias” in your life - someone who
encouraged you in faith?
8. How can we be like Ananias to others who are new to faith or struggling in their
spiritual journey?
9. Sometimes we struggle to accept God's grace for our own past mistakes. What
does Paul's story teach us about releasing guilt and walking in grace?
10. Who in your life do you need to extend grace to, just as God extended grace to
11. Read 1 Timothy 1: 12-16, where Paul reflects on God's grace in his life. How
does this passage encourage you in your own walk with God?
12. Identify an area in your life where God has transformed you over time. How can
you share that testimony with someone this week?
13. Read Romans 12: 1-2. How does grace lead to a renewed mind and a
transformed life?
Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and Mighty God,
Thank You for the transforming power of Your grace. Just as You met Saul on the
road to Damascus, meet us in the places where we need Your mercy and grace.
Open our eyes to see You more clearly, soften our hearts to receive Your love, and
strengthen our steps to follow where You lead.
Help us to trust that no one is beyond Your reach, including ourselves. Fill us with
the same boldness and passion that You gave Paul, that we may share Your grace
with the world. Use us this week to be a light, an encourager, and a witness to the
life-changing power of Jesus.
In Jesus’ name we pray,