Cause and Effect
Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:
Read Psalm 119: 33-48.
1. Why do you think this week’s sermon title is “Cause and Effect”? How do
each of the stanzas this week fit that title respectively?
2. In what ways is the Psalmist asking God to “cause” him to live differently
throughout the first stanza? What is the Psalmist asking God to do in each
3. Pastor Mick broke the first stanza down into three categories: Guidance
(v. 33-35), Reorientation (v. 36-37), and Protection (v. 38-40). Why do you
think he labeled them this way? Do you agree with these themes? Why/
why not?
4. In verse 43 the Psalmist says, “I have put my hope in your laws.” In what
ways can God’s Law be a source of hope? Do you see God’s Law as a
source of hope in your life, or do you see it more as burdensome? Why?
5. Chandler says, “Life is found in submission to the Law of God.” What does
he mean by that? Do you agree? Why/why not?
6. Pastor Mick discussed how surrendering to God leads to the freedom the
Psalmist describes in verse 45. How can surrender lead to freedom? Have
you experienced this in your own life?
7. In verse 47 the Psalmist says, “I delight in your commands because I love
them.” Why do you think the Psalmist loves God’s commands and how
does he derive delight from them? What does this mean for us?
8. Pastor Mick said the transformation from “cause” to “effect” is not based
on our willpower, but rather on our Higher Power. What did he mean by
that? Have you experienced this to be true in your life?
Almighty God, like the Psalmist, we confess that we cannot do this on our own.
We cannot live the life you created us to live out of our own effort and power.
We need your power to transform us from the inside out, more into the image
of Jesus every day. Teach us your decrees. Give us understanding of your
ways. Direct our paths. Turn us away from anything that is not of you. Help
us live in hope by obeying your laws. Grant us freedom from the bondage of
sin. Help us delight in your commands to the point that others will want to
follow them too. Help us to be your good and faithful servants who share your
Good News in both word and deed. We pray all of this in the strong name of
Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and
forever. Amen.