It Is Finished

Apr 10, 2022    Pastor Mick Whistler

Go Deeper This Week
Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:

Read John 19: 30 and Luke 23: 44-49.

1. Why are Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday celebrated on the same day?

2. To what was Jesus referring when he said, “It is finished”? In what way might this be considered a victory cry?

3. What is the significance of the darkness in verses 44 and 45? What does this darkness represent?

4. What is the significance of the veil in the Temple being torn? What does it mean for us, even today?

5. What did Pastor Mick mean when he described the cross as an “optical illusion”? What do you think about that description?

6. Did you know that Jesus was quoting Psalm 31: 5 in verse 46? What do you think about some scholars’ suggestions that this was included as part of an ancient Israelite bedtime prayer for kids? Does this affect the way you understand this verse when Jesus prays it?

7. Why do you think Pastor Mick encouraged us to pray Psalm 31: 5 multiple times a day? Do you think it could help if you include this in your daily prayer routine? Why/why not?

8. Verses 47-49 detail the responses of three people / groups of people who were eye-witnesses at the cross. Which witness(es) do you most relate to regarding the cross? Why do you think that is?

9. In what ways are our lives now supposed to be witnesses for Jesus?

Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, over the past few weeks we have heard Jesus’ final words from the cross. Help us remember to forgive as you have forgiven. Inspire us to share your love with others, just as Jesus did with the thief on the cross hanging beside him. Draw us together as brothers and sisters in Christ, representing your family in ways that lead others to you. Empower us to keep making new disciples of Jesus until our mission on this earth is finished. And remind us, especially when things get difficult, that you will never leave us nor forsake us. You are the Living Water that quenches our thirst. Into your hands we commit our spirits. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.