Sing for Joy
Read Luke 1:46-56.
1. Pastor Mick started off talking about the way magnification (microscopes) helps us to see things we couldn’t otherwise see. How does Mary’s Song, the Magnificat, help us to see God?
2. What are some ways we can magnify the Lord in our own lives? (Hint: Pastor Mick talked about worship, prayer and service) Are there other ways besides the ones Pastor Mick highlighted? (Hint: think about our membership covenant)
3. After her angelic encounter and visit with Elizabeth, do you think Mary had it all figured out and was filled with confidence regarding what was ahead, or do you think she still had some fear and apprehension?
4. How might the stories of John Wesley being told “Preach faith until you have faith, then preach faith because you have faith” and Professor Amy Cuddy’s advice to “Fake it ‘til you make it” relate to Mary’s story? To your own story?
5. Mary sings, “My spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” Why do you think she rejoices like this? What does this tell us about joy and our circumstances?
6. In what ways does Mary enlighten us about the values of God’s kingdom versus the values of this world?
7. Is it significant that Mary is singing this prayer rather than merely speaking it? Why/why not? What does this tell us about the power of music to impact our attitudes?
8. How might the advice to “Fake it ‘til you make it; Fake it ‘til you become it” help you grow in your faith journey?
Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, in the midst of this crazy, fallen, broken and sin-filled world, help us to always choose joy. Help us to sing your praises in all circumstances so that we are continually pointing others to you. Remind us that your thoughts are higher than our thoughts, your ways are higher than our ways, and the values of your kingdom are very different than the values of the world. Help us to fully embrace your values and magnify you through our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Help us to be your good and faithful servants who go and make new disciples for the transformation of the world through the power of your Holy Spirit. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus. Amen.