"No Condemnation" - Sermon
Read John 8: 2-11
1. Today’s passage is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. Why do
you think it resonates so much with people throughout the ages?
2. What was the Pharisees’ true intention of bringing this woman before Jesus?
What did they want to happen?
3. Pastor Mick said it seems like the Pharisees are acting pretty smug in this
passage. What do they say that might be interpreted as smug or sarcastic?
4. Pastor Mick asked the question of whether we think this woman was a “vixen
or victim.” What did he mean by that? What do you think? Does it matter?
Why/why not?
5. Why did Jesus bend down and draw in the dirt? What was the underlying
meaning of this in his culture?
6. How did Jesus flip the script, or turn the tables, on the Pharisees? How did
he avoid the trap the Pharisees set for him? What did he say?
7. Why did the Pharisees drop their stones and walk away? What does this
mean for us today?
8. What does Jesus say to the woman? What does this teach us about grace,
repentance and life-transformation?
9. Read Romans 8: 1. How does this relate to today’s passage? What does it
mean for our lives?
10. Read Romans 7: 19. What does this mean for us and our need to
continually repent?
Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, we come before You with humble hearts, grateful for
Your boundless grace and mercy. Just as You showed compassion to the woman
caught in sin, You extend forgiveness to each of us, even in our moments of
failure and struggle. We confess that, like Paul, we often find ourselves doing the
very things we hate, trapped in the cycle of sin and shame. But we praise You for
the truth that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
We thank You for the freedom You offer through Your Son, our Lord and Savior.
Help us to live in the light of Your grace, walking in freedom and righteousness,
knowing that in You, we are made whole. We pray all of this in the strong name
of Jesus, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and
forever. Amen.