Loving God
Read Revelation 4.
1. Why do you think Francis Chan titled his book “Crazy Love”? What is so crazy about this love? What is the significance of the arrows on the book cover?
2. How do we know that God has “Crazy Love” for us? How do we show our “Crazy Love” for God?
3. In Revelation 2 and 3, Jesus outlines some issues with the ancient churches. What are some of those issues? Does the modern church still have some of these issues? How might giving and receiving “Crazy Love” rectify these issues?
4. Pastor Mick said, “This series and study is all about helping us fall deeply, madly, head over heels in love with God who is deeply, madly, head over heels in love with us.” What do you think about that statement? Why is this kind of love important in our lives?
5. Pastor Mick shared some thoughts from megachurch pastor Jorge Acevedo. He said, “Calling sometimes slips from delight to duty.” He also said he sometimes suffers from PLOM Syndrome (Poor Little Old Me). Has your relationship with God ever slipped from delight to duty? Have you ever suffered from PLOM Syndrome? How do these things affect your quality of life? What can you do to fix these issues?
6. How does John’s description of God and the Throne Room of God make you feel? How might this feeling affect the way you relate with God?
7. Pastor Mick discussed the need to reclaim a true reverence for God. What do you think he meant by that? Do you agree? Why/why not?
8. Francis Chan discusses a time in his life when prayer was more of a ritualistic obligation than a relationship with God. Why is this a problem? Have you ever experienced this problem? How might Revelation 4 and understanding God’s “Crazy Love” help overcome this problem?
Prayer for the Week: Almighty God, our hearts truest desire is to be overwhelmed by your crazy love. We thank you for being so relentless in offering this kind of love to us. Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we have not understood your crazy love for us, and, as a result, have failed to offer our crazy love to you. Help us move from ritualistic religious obligation to falling deeply, madly, head over heels in love with you. Help us to fully embrace and live into this crazy love to the point that it truly changes our lives. Fill us once again with the awe and wonder of your magnificence, rekindling the fire in our hearts, so that we never live as lukewarm followers of Jesus. May all that we say and do bring you honor and glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.