That's Not Kosher

Aug 29, 2021    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read Mark 7:1-8.

1. In today’s passage, there are two references to “tradition of the elders.” What do you think is meant by this? Is it good, bad, or both?

2. How did the Pharisees try to use this “tradition of the elders” against Jesus?

3. Why did Jesus call the Pharisees hypocrites?

4. The Pharisees seem to have lost sight of the intent of the Law and have become focused on the letter of the Law and human traditions. Why is this dangerous? How can this hurt people?

5. Pastor Mick shared a quote from another pastor who said, “Rules are like rumble strips.” What did he mean by this? How might this help us better understand Biblical rules as preventative rather than punitive?

6. Have you, or anyone you know, ever acted like Pharisees without even realizing it? If so, when? How did your beliefs and behaviors impact others?

7. Read the “Seven Woes” section of Matthew’s gospel (chapter 23). For what kinds of practices is Jesus condemning the Pharisees? How does this relate to today’s passage? How does it relate to the Church today?

8. What is the problem, or inherent weakness, with ceremonial cleansing? (Hint: think inside vs. outside)

9. Why do we no longer need the old system of ceremonial cleansing and sacrifice?

Prayer for the Week:
Lord Jesus, forgive us for the times we have acted like Pharisees, focused more on the letter of the law than its intent. Forgive us for the times our religious legalism has pushed people away from You rather than drawing them to You. Help us to set aside all forms of hypocrisy and live lives fully committed to loving You and loving our neighbors. Inspire and empower us to lift one another up rather than weighing one another down. And remind us to never call anyone or anything unclean that You have made clean. We love You so much, Lord Jesus, and we pray all of this in your precious, holy and strong, strong name. Amen.