If You Mess Up, Fess Up!

Jan 23, 2022    Pastor Mick Whistler

We are continuing a 6-week sermon series on The Book of Jonah by Eric Mason on RightNow Media. Jonah is one of the twelve minor prophets. The book is small in size but it is power-packed to impact your life.

Read Jonah 1:7-16.

1. Why is it important to fess up when you mess up? What else is needed beyond merely fessing up?

2. Jonah messed up by running from God and fessed up to the sailors that he was the reason for the storm. Why was this not enough to calm the storm? What else could Jonah have done, besides being thrown overboard, that might have calmed the storm?

3. The sailors asked Jonah, “What have you done?” In the original Hebrew, this phrase is “mazot aseet.” Where else in the Bible is this phrase used? Why is this significant?

4. Pastor Mick keyed in on the word “instead” at the beginning of verse 13 (NIV). Why did he think that word was so significant?

5. Why is it so significant that the sailors eventually cry out to God (pray) before throwing Jonah overboard? How does the phrase “There are no atheists in foxholes” apply to this situation and why is it important?

6. How often do we pray as a “last resort” rather than a first option?

7. What did you think about Pastor Mick’s “sidebar” discussion regarding coming to faith at the last possible moment? How did that make you feel?

8. How do you think the sailors lived out their faith after this incident? Or did they? How might Philippians 1:6 impact your answer?

Prayer of the Week:
Almighty God, we come to you today and we fess up for all of our mess ups. Help us, Lord, to do better going forward. Help us turn from our sinful ways and return whole-heartedly to you. Thank you for not holding our transgressions against us. Thank you for offering us the gift of eternal life rather than the death we deserve. Remind us continually, Lord, of the grace you offer us, so that we might offer grace rather than judgment to our fellow sinners. We praise you for the good work you have begun in us and we thank you for your faithfulness in completing it. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.