Humble Hearts - Sermon

Apr 14, 2024    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read Philippians 2: 3-8.

1. What does humility mean to you? Why is humility important, especially in the church?

2. What does it mean to truly forgive? Why is forgiveness important, especially in the church?

3. Do you ever find it hard to ask for forgiveness and/or forgive others? If so, why do you think that is?

4. Pastor Mick said that forgiveness is transformative. What do you think he meant by that? Have you ever experienced forgiveness (whether giving or receiving) to be transformative in your life and relationships?

5. There’s a popular saying, or adage, that says, “Hurt people, hurt people.” What does this mean? Have you experienced this personally? How might this help to explain people’s words and actions in the midst of our denominational turmoil?

6. Who are you still holding in unforgiveness? How does that affect your own life? What do you need to do?

7. Pastor Matt often tells people, “I see you, I hear you, I love you; and there’s nothing you can do about it.” How does this get to the heart of the gospel? How might the church (and world) be different if we all practiced this more intentionally?

8. Why do you think Pastor Mick says that “Forgiveness” undergirds this series focusing on being “Humble, Hopeful, Healed and Whole”? What do you hope you (and the church) will learn from this series? What changes are needed, both individually and collectively, as a church?

Prayer for the Week: 

Lord Jesus, forgive us for all the times we have been anything but humble, repentant and forgiving. Forgive us for all the times when our words and actions toward our brothers and sisters in Christ do not reveal your love to the world around us. Forgive us for all the times we have been more like stumbling blocks than building blocks for the faith of those around us. Help us do better. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, transform our hearts and our minds so we can be your true disciples, good and faithful servants who practice humility, forgiveness, reconciliation and unity. Transform us into the humble and forgiving community that you call us to be, for the building of your kingdom and the glorification of you holy name. We pray all of this, Lord Jesus, in your precious, holy and strong, strong name. Amen.