Craving God
Read Psalm 119: 97-120.
1. Chandler compares the psalmist’s love for God’s law in verse 97 to the early days of a romantic relationship. What did he mean by that? How might that compare to the psalmist “meditating on it all day long”?
2. In what ways do verses 98-100 portray the psalmist as “wise beyond his years”? What is the source of his wisdom, insight and understanding?
3. Pastor Mick compared verse 103 to having sweet tooth cravings. What did he mean by that? How is that a good thing in this case?
4. How is your appetite for God’s Word these days? Do you crave God’s Word like you crave your favorite food? If not, what could you do to change that?
5. Pastor Mick compared verse 105 to the emergency lighting strips on the floorboard of an airplane. What do you think he meant by that?
6. Verse 113 warns against double-minded people. What is meant by this? Why should we avoid such people? How do verse 115 and 1 Corinthians 15: 33 support verse 113?
7. Chandler uses John 5: 39-40 to help explain verse 114. How did he connect these two verses? What do you think about this connection?
8. Verse 120 talks about “fear of the Lord.” What do you think about this concept? How does fearing God make you feel? Did Chandler’s example of fainting goats and a lion, or Pastor Mick’s reference to Jesus as Lion and Lamb, help in any way? Discuss.
Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, we love you more than words can describe. We hunger for an ever deepening relationship with you where we can truly feel your presence with us all the time. Give us an insatiable craving for you and your word, that we might continually seek you in new and deeper ways. Grant us wisdom, insight and understanding as you illumine the path you want us to walk. Help us reach out to you with open hands, allowing you to guide us and fill us as you desire. Protect us from anything and anyone that would lead us away from you. Help us to experience your awe and wonder anew every day, that we might fully commit our lives to you. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.