Loving the Unlovable

Jan 9, 2022    Pastor Mick Whistler

Today we are beginning a 6-week sermon series on The Book of Jonah by Eric Mason on RightNow Media. Jonah is one of the twelve minor prophets. The book is small in size but it is power-packed to impact your life.

Read Jonah 1:1-3.

1. Pastor Mick spent some time at the beginning of the message describing the historical and geo-political background for the book of Jonah. Why is this information important? What is similar/different in Jonah’s time compared to today?

2. Pastor Mick talked about different levels of understanding the Jonah story (micro, macro and personal). What did he mean by this? Have you ever thought about it like that before? What do you think about that?

3. Why was Jonah so reluctant to go to Nineveh? (hint: fear and hatred)

4. Have you ever said “no” to God? Have you ever run from God? How did that work out for you?

5. It appears that Jonah was being judgmental about the Assyrians. Do you think he cared whether or not they were saved? Why or why not? What does this tell you about Jonah? How might it relate to you and how you treat others?

6. Who are the Assyrians / Ninevites of your world? What does Jonah teach us about how we should view them and treat them?

7. Are there areas in your life that God needs to help you change so that you are more loving and compassionate of others? What about people who are different from you or have hurt you?

8. What is your biggest takeaway from the sermon and how does this passage apply to your life?

Prayer for the Week:
Dear Jesus, I am your disciple. I will trust you, I will obey your teachings and I will share your Good News to everyone I meet. You have given me life abundant and life eternal; help me listen for your guidance and follow your directions in a loving and compassionate way today and forever. Amen.