Solitude & Silence

Sep 11, 2022    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read Mark 1: 29-37.

1. Where did Jesus go “as soon as they left the synagogue”? Why do you think they were going there? What happened once they got there?

2. Pastor Mick compared life to power tools. What did he mean by this comparison? What do we have in common with power tools?

3. Why did Jesus get up “very early in the morning”? Where did he go? What did he do?

4. Pastor Mick said Jesus is embracing a “Work Hard, Pray Hard” philosophy. What did he mean by that? Why is it important to both work and pray hard?

5. Read Luke 5: 16. What does this verse confirm about the rhythm of Jesus’ life? What does it mean for your life?

6. What do “solitude and silence” mean to you? Why are these things important for our discipleship journey?

7. Pastor Mick described two forms of silence: internal and external. What did he mean by that? Which kind is the most difficult for you to find / embrace? Why?

8. In the video, Comer used the word “tranquility” to describe the kind of silence desired. What does tranquility mean to you? How/when do you experience tranquility? Why is tranquility important?

Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, help us find time to get away from the busyness of life and be alone with you. Help us find times and places of solitude and silence, where we can hear your still small voice guiding us and supporting us. Help us to truly plug in to our relationship with you, recharging our spiritual batteries and being empowered by your Holy Spirit to do all the things you’ve created and called us to do. Help us to find those sacred rhythms of life that enable us to match our pace of life with that of Jesus. And remind us that we don’t do any of this through our own power, but through the power of your Holy Spirit dwelling within us. We love you, Lord. And we pray all of this in the mighty name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.