The Proximity Principle

Jan 22, 2023    Pastor Mick Whistler

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:

Read Luke 5:27-32.

1. Idleman says in the study guide that the Big Idea for this week is that

“Jesus put himself in proximity with people in messy situations.” What does that mean for us? How messy are we supposed to get?

2. Idleman starts the video this week from high up in an office building, discussing how things look very different “up here” than they do “down there.” What did he mean by “up here” and “down there”? Why / how do things look different? In what ways can the church sometimes be like that office building?

3. Why did the Pharisees find it so scandalous that Jesus was eating with Levi and his crowd?

4. Pastor Mick shared a quote from his commentary that said, “The offense was that Jesus was demonstrating God’s (prevenient) grace by not requiring repentance before He would eat with the tax collectors and sinners.” What do you think about that statement? How has God offered you such grace? How can we offer it to others?

5. The Pharisees chose to separate themselves from sinners and Jesus chose to associate with them. What does that mean for us today? How can we better imitate the behavior of Jesus?

6. Pastor Mick shared another quote from his commentary that said, “Jesus at the table with sinners is the new paradigm for the life of the church.” What do you think about that? Why would this have been a new paradigm? How is the modern Church doing with this new paradigm? Does anything need to be changed/reformed?

7. Jesus says in verse 31, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” What did he mean by that? What does that mean for the church today?

8. Pastor Mick shared yet another quote from his commentary saying, “Discipleship consists not in separation (as was practiced by the Pharisees) but in association.” Do you agree with that? Why/why not?

Prayer for the Week:

Almighty God, we can’t fathom how much you feel when one of your children suffers, but we’ve had a glimpse of your heartache. Please fill us with your wisdom so that we won’t just watch others suffer, but we will be able to say what they need to hear and do what needs to be done. As a new week approaches, our dangerous prayer is that you’ll place broken-hearted people in our paths and fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we can let your love heal their pain through us. We surrender our lives to you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.