How to Run a Race
Read Galatians 5:13-26.
1. What does it mean to live in freedom and how can we use that freedom to “love your neighbor as yourself”?
2. In the United States, we are proud of our freedoms. But are we using our freedoms to love our neighbor or to bite and devour each other?
3. The Fruit of the Spirit is what ends this chapter about freedom. When we follow Jesus and live inside of His freedom, then we already have all of the fruits. We get the choice to live them out or not. How are you doing in living a life that is defined by the Fruits of the Spirit?
Read John 8:31-36.
1. We all commit sins in our life. What sin are you a slave to?
2. What steps do you need to take to break the chains of sin and to find the freedom that only God can provide?
3. Following Jesus is HARD! But when Jesus sets us free, we are free indeed. Jesus is ready to set us free, but that means that we have to acknowledge our own sinful nature. Jesus’ freedom is really two-fold. First, there are things Christ has freed you from. Second, there are things Christ has freed you to.
a. Jesus has freed us from the bondage, penalty, guilt and shame of sin.
b. Jesus has freed us to live and serve.
4. Where are you at in living a life of freedom?