"Invisible Fencing" - Sermon
Read Genesis 2: 15-17.
1. What is a boundary and why are boundaries important?
2. Pastor Mick told a story about a farmer putting up a fence. In what
ways are boundaries ways of both “fencing in” and “fencing out”?
3. What boundary did God set for Adam and Eve? What happened when
they ignored the boundary? What can we learn from this?
4. Read Proverbs 3: 5-6. What does this tell us about obeying the
boundaries God sets for us, even if we don’t fully understand why they
are important? What could happen if we don’t adhere to God’s
5. Read Isaiah 55: 8-9. Have you ever applied this kind of logic when
setting boundaries for your own kids/grandkids? What does this mean
for your own relationship with God?
6. In what ways can boundaries provide freedom?
7. How can we better see boundaries as gifts from God? (Hint: think
about Sabbath)
8. Read Galatians 5: 13. How does Paul instruct us to use our freedom?
How might this relate to boundaries?
9. Pastor Mick described boundaries as being like guard rails. What did
he mean by that? Do you agree? Why/why not?
Prayer of the Week:
Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of boundaries. We
confess that we don’t always like them, much less obey them, but we are
grateful for them. Please help us to do better at setting and living within
healthy boundaries, and make your presence known to us even as we
experience the consequences of living outside of those boundaries. Guide
us, Lord, toward living the lives you have created us to live, lives that are
abundant and eternal. Help us receive your gifts of boundaries with joy,
praise and thanksgiving as we allow them to shape our lives in accordance
with your will. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.