
Sep 18, 2022    Pastor Mick Whistler

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:

Read Genesis 2: 1-3.

1. What is Sabbath? Why do you think God commands Sabbath?

2. Read Genesis 2: 1-3, Exodus 20: 8-11, and Mark 2: 27. How do these three Scriptures work together to give us a more holistic view of Sabbath?

3. Pastor Mick discussed the four movements of Sabbath as (1) Stop, (2) Rest, (3) Delight and (4) Worship. What do each of these mean to you?

4. Which of the four movements of Sabbath listed above do you experience regularly? Which ones are harder for you to experience? Why do you think that is? What needs to change for you to experience all four on a regular basis?

5. What did you think about the concept of “a day to be human” and “a day to be holy”? Is that a good model for life? Does our current world support that model?

6. What was the purpose of “Blue Laws” in America? What has happened since these “Blue Laws” have essentially been rescinded? Has rescinding them been good or bad?

7. How do you feel about the concepts of “delight,” “pleasure stacking,” and “doing what makes your soul sing”? Do you practice and experience any of these now? If so, how? If not, would you like to?

8. Comer says that “Sabbath curates joy.” What do you think he meant by that? How does that work? Have you experienced this for yourself?

9. In what ways is Sabbath meant to be “easy like Sunday morning”?

Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, thank you for the gift of Sabbath. We confess we often find it difficult to stop and rest. We convince ourselves that we can’t afford to slow down, but the truth is we can’t afford not to. We know the Sabbath is for our own good. Help us do better at practicing Sabbath and keeping it holy. And, as we do, help us to fully experience the delight that comes with it, to the point that we can’t help but worship you and sing your praises. May our obedience to this life-enriching command change our lives and the lives of those around us. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.