Love Your Neighbor-hood
Go Deeper This Week
Scripture and questions for study and reflection:
Read Titus 3:1-2.
1. Paul starts off this passage by telling Titus to “remind the people” of six different things regarding godly living. Why is this “reminding” so important for followers of Jesus? Do we still need reminders today?
2. What does Paul mean when he says, “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient”? (Pastor Mick called this “Respect Authority”) What did it mean for the people of Crete? What does it mean for us today? What does it look like for us to live like this? Why is it often so hard for us to do this?
3. What does it mean to “be ready to do whatever is good”? (Pastor Mick called this “Eager to Serve”) In what ways are you / have you been “eager to serve”? What difference does that make in your life and the life of others?
4. What does it mean to “slander no one”? (Pastor Mick called this “speak no evil”) When have you failed at this in your life? How effective is our world at living like this? What are the consequences when we fail?
5. What does it mean to “be peaceable”? (Pastor Mick called this “be a peacemaker”) Why is this important? What happens when we fail at this? When have you done this well and when have you failed at this? What do other parts of the Bible say about this?
6. What does it mean to “be considerate”? (Pastor Mick called this “put others first”) Ingram talks about treating people like VIPs. Why is this important? How can treating people this way change things in the world? Have you ever been treated like a VIP? If so, how did that make you feel?
7. What does it mean to “be gentle toward everyone”? What are some ways you have done this well? What are some ways you’ve done this poorly?
Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, thank you for the gift of your word to teach and remind us how to live in accordance with your will. Help us to truly live this way so that we might please you and reveal your love to those around us as well. And even in those times when we fail to live completely the way you created us to live, help us to handle those failures with humility and integrity, so that we reveal your mercy and grace to the world. Help us to recognize the opportunities you put before us to influence people with the Good News of Jesus. We are eager to be your good and faithful servants, doing good and serving others as a way of bringing you honor and glory. We pray all of this in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.