Extra-Mile Mentality

Feb 5, 2023    Pastor Diane Mendelson

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:

1. Read Matthew 5: 13. What does “You are the Salt of the Earth” mean to you? How would you describe the “salt” that reflects who you are as a follower of Christ? Are there individuals that God has placed in your life that you have avoided that could benefit from being flavored with “salt”? (God’s grace and love)

2. Read Matthew 5: 14-16. What does it mean to you to be the “Light of the World?”

3. What happens when we as Christians, who are the light of the world, don’t allow God to work in and through us? What happens when we try to keep God to ourselves? Is that like hiding His light? Do you let your light shine? Share the ways your light shines and glorifies God.

4. There are quite a few passages in the Bible that talk about light. Read the following passages and reflect on how God is the light in your life.

Psalm 18: 28, Psalm 119: 130, John 1: 1-9, John 8: 12 and 1 John 1: 5-7.

5. Read Matthew 5: 38-41. Discuss each verse individually. Do any of these verses represent who you are or how you live your life? Might they encourage a change in your life?

6. Pastor Diane shared the story of the Roman Law that allows the soldier to force a Jewish man to carry his backpack one mile? How did you feel when she shared about the Jewish man going two miles? How can this story help you to be more intentional about going the extra mile for someone?

Prayer for the Week:

God of the heavens and the earth, I praise You for your grace and love, your beauty, peace and care. Thank you that there isn’t a day that goes by that you’re not present in my life. Lord, on this day and every day, I humbly ask that you would remove my pride when it gets in the way of me going the extra mile to glorify you. I truly want to please you, Lord. Help me to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world in the little moments with the people who need it the most. As you lead...help me to follow. In your great name I pray. Amen.