Through God’s Spirit, Everyone is Called to Ministry - Sermon

Oct 8, 2023

Spiritual Gifts:

Apostleship – Read Acts 13: 1-5; Romans 1: 1-6; & Ephesians 4: 11-13.

1. What is an apostle?

2. What is their Spiritual Gift?

3. Who do you know that has this gift?

Evangelist – Read Acts 8: 26-40 and Isaiah 53.

1. In what way was Philip drawn to the Egyptian eunuch?

2. What didn’t the Egyptian not understand?

3. How would you explain the Isaiah text to another?

4. Who is Jesus to you?

5. Could evangelism be your gift?

Teaching – Read Mark 1: 21-23; Mark 4: 2 & 33; Romans 12: 7, 2nd Timothy 2: 1-2.

1. Who are the teachers in church you remember the most? Why?

2. Each of us has various experiences, in what way(s) has God’s presence been made real, to you, in your life?

3. Is teaching your gift?

Encouraging/Exhortation – Acts 15: 3-32 and Romans 12: 6-8.

1. Who has been a wonderful encourager in your life? In what way?

2. How have you encouraged another?

Creative Communication – Samuel 6: 14-15; Psalm 146: 1-2; 147: 1 & 7; 149: 1-3; 150.

1. How do you sing praises to God?

2. In what ways are you creative – woodworking, crafts, fabrics, or metal?

3. In what ways are you creative – writing poetry, drama, music, or arts?

4. In what ways are you able to share your gifts with the church?

Prayer for the Week:

Lord, our lives are cluttered by too many things and too much to do. We are driven by the world’s standards and have been too distracted to serve you in the ways you have created us. We have been too busy to notice the people and situation you have shown us. Work within our hearts and minds to be who and what you have created us to be. May we each be a beacon of light and a powerful witness to your love, compassion, and concern for all people. Amen.