What's Your Point?

Sep 19, 2021    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read James 4: 13-17.

1. Chan says, “The point of your life is to point to Him.” What does he mean by this? Do you agree? Why/why not?

2. Read Isaiah 43:7, Matthew 5:16, 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Revelation 4:11. How do these verses support Chan’s statement above?

3. What did you think about the example of being an extra in a Hollywood movie? Have you ever made yourself out to be more important than you really are? Have you ever lived as if life is all about you? How does this impact your life and those around you?

4. Why do you think James compares our lives to a vapor? What happens to vapor? How long does it last?

5. Pastor Mick used Tim McGraw’s song, “Live Like You Were Dying” to follow up on James’ vapor example. What did you think about the song lyrics he shared? After hearing those lyrics, and thinking about your life as a vapor, does anything need to change in your life?

6. Chan says, “We all get caught up doing things that don’t really matter. We all get distracted.” Do you agree? What is the problem with living like this?

7. Pastor Mick used America’s Got Talent champion Dustin Tavella as an example for today’s passage and overall message. Why did he say Dustin was such a good example? In what ways is he using his life to point to God?

8. If “The point of your life is to point to Him,” how are you doing? Are there things that need to change or areas you could improve?

Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, thank you for sending people into our lives who have shared your crazy love with us and pointed us to you. Help us now, Lord, to be those kinds of people for someone else. Help us to live lives that point to you in unmistakable ways. Remind us that we were created by you and for you, to do good works and shine your Light for the whole world to see. In these times of great hostility and division, help us to show the world a better way…the way of your crazy love. May all that we say and do, bring you honor and glory, as we share your crazy love with the world. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.