
Nov 27, 2022    Pastor Mick Whistler

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection: Read Exodus 15: 22-27.

1. Why do you think the church celebrates Advent? In what way is Advent a season that brings together the past, present and future?

2. Pastor Matt Rawle says, “The church gathers in the present to ponder the past for a future hope.” What does he mean by that? In what way(s) is he talking about Jesus?

3. Pastor Mick used the word “Ebenezer” to tie together the hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and the Dickens’ story “A Christmas Carol.” How did he tie them together? What do you think of this comparison? Do you know anyone whose heart has been cold and hard like a stone even amid many blessings? If so, what are they missing?

4. What were some of the reasons the Israelites were grumbling during the Exodus? Why did it take them forty years to make such a relatively short physical journey? What is the message in that journey for us today?

5. What does it mean to walk by faith and not by sight? How well did the Israelites do this during the Exodus?

How well do you do it today? Why is it so hard to walk by faith and not by sight?

6. In 1 Corinthians 13: 12 Paul says that “we see through a glass dimly.” What does he mean by that? What is hard for us to see?

7. Pastor Mick said that God has always had a good and perfect plan for us? What did he mean by that? Do you agree? What is God’s plan? Why is it sometimes hard for us to see God’s plan?

8. In what way might today’s Exodus story remind us that Advent is like living in the wilderness between what was and what will be?

9. Pastor Mick said Advent is here to remind us to stop grumbling and trust God’s plan. Do you agree? How can we do better in the practice of this in our everyday lives?

Prayer for the Week:

Almighty God, in this season of the already and the not yet, where we live in the wilderness between what was and what will be, help us to live in this tension. Remind us that we see through a glass dimly. You have given us a holy fog to protect us from ourselves, inviting us to keep our eyes fixed on you. We accept your invitation and ask you to help us walk by faith and not by sight. Soften our hearts when they become cold and hard, and replace our grumbling with gratitude. We know that no sacrifice we ever make will compare to the One you provided for us on Calvary, your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. We offer this prayer in his precious, holy and strong, strong name. Amen.