Love Beyond Measure
1. Read Romans 8:31-39. This is a powerful passage. Not only does Paul speak of the assurance of salvation and sanctification but he also makes two significant points: no condemnation and no separation. As you read and meditate on this passage...what are your thoughts? Is there new clarification of God’s love for you?
2. When Paul says, “God is for us (and He certainly is), who can be against us?” Does he mean we, as believers in Christ will never face opposition? Or that we will never have adversaries? What do you think Paul is trying to tell us? Is it difficult to believe that God is really for you or that He wants more of you?
3. Often times we question or misunderstand how much God loves us and wants to be with us. Read and meditate on the following passages that not only reveal God’s love for us, but His desire to be with us. Ephesians 3: 18-19. Psalm 36: 5-7. 1 John 3: 1. Romans 5: 5.
4. Do you remember singing “Jesus Loves Me” as a child? Do you remember how you knew Jesus loved you? Was it because the Bible told you so? How has your relationship with Jesus changed over the years? Do you really believe that you are loved unconditionally by God? At all times and in every circumstance?
5. Pastor Diane spoke about having “head knowledge and heart knowledge” when it comes to fully understanding the love of Jesus. How important do you think this is? How might this affect and enhance your relationship with Christ?
6. What can you do to be, as Chan says, “struck by the love of Jesus”? How can you remember the cross and the love of Jesus in all areas of your life and at all times of your daily life? Who can help hold you accountable to see and feel Christ’s “Crazy Love” every day?
Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and heavenly Father, thank you for loving me with an everlasting and unconditional love. Thank you for desiring to be with me as much as I desire to be with You. Help me to be struck by your love in all areas of my life that I may remember every minute of every day how much you love me. Your love is crazy and you love me so much that you were willing to give your life up for mine. Use me Lord as you wish. Help me to lead others in recognizing and embracing your “Crazy Love.” It’s in your precious and holy name I pray. Amen.