Keep Moving Forward
Read Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8.
Grief is the set of conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior. (The
Grief Recovery Handbook by John James & Russell Friedman page 3)
Grief is the gift that keeps on giving. We know that we cannot muscle through or run from our grief and that we will have to deal with grief in our lives. Grief is a NORMAL PART of our life!
But how do we keep moving forward? We sit with our grief and we walk through the valley of darkness with God as our Shepherd to lead us and protect us.
What are the griefs that you are carrying around with you? Grief is much more than the death of a loved one! It includes so much of life. We grieve when our children aren’t babies anymore, we grieve when we retire, we grieve when pastors and/or friends leave the church. We grieve at changes big and little. Even in the midst of celebrations, there can be grief.
But we do not have to live in our grief, there is hope to overcome. A great resource that I have been using to work through some of my own grief is the “Grief Recovery Handbook” by John James & Russell Friedman ($11 on Amazon).
You can overcome grief and God is ready to help each of us on the road to recovery. We do not have to do it alone. If you are struggling with grief reach out and talk to someone.
Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, we know that, even in the darkest valleys of life, you are with us to guide us and sustain us. We know that there are different seasons in life and they all bring different emotions. God help us to keep following you so that we can shine your light! Amen.