Guard Your Heart and Mind

Apr 18, 2021    Pastor Diane Mendelson

Go Deeper This Week

Scripture and questions for study and reflection:

Today we continue our sermon series on The Book of Titus. Last week we learned about the people of Crete and why Paul felt it necessary for Titus to remain in Crete. Titus was left for three reasons:To clean up the mess in Crete, to teach sound doctrine and to refute false teachings. Today we learn about false teachers and teachings, how they make their way into the church, into our lives and how to identify them.
Read Titus 1:10-16.

1. There are many words used to describe the people of Crete in this passage. Discuss the words, their meanings and how they contribute to false teaching and harming people.

2. What is the significance of Paul referring to them (v. 10) as “those of the circumcision”? Why is it important in this text? What does it infer?

3. In 1 Timothy, Paul instructs Timothy about identifying false teachers. Read 1 Timothy 6:3-5. What are characteristics of false teachers according
to this text? How can we identify them? What are characteristics of true teachers?

4. What types of false teachings are attacking the church in this day and time? How have you experienced them or how have they affected you?

5. Have you ever known someone who became a victim of false teachings and fell away from God? How did it happen and what was the outcome?

6. Spend a moment discussing the boundaries that Chip Ingram shared on spotting “false teachers.” Who do they say Jesus is? What is the way to have a relationship with God? What is the Authority?

7. Chip Ingram says that Scripture makes it clear we are saved by grace through faith – and nothing else. (Read Ephesians 2:8-9.) How will you commit to being the one who boldly stands against the false teachings of our day? How will you help others understand and see the beauty of the grace of God in all that you say and do?

Prayer for the Week:
Dear Lord, I pray for our church and all that oversee your flock. Give me discernment to recognize false teachings and doctrines that do not agree with the Word of God. Help me to be grounded in sound doctrine and committed to safeguarding your truth according to your Word. Help me to be bold and stand up for You, Your Word and your teachings so that I may help others see the beauty of Your grace and love. It is in the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior that I pray. Amen.