Tending His Flock

Nov 22, 2020    Pastor Mick Whistler

Go Deeper This Week

Scripture and questions for study and reflection:

Read Ezekiel 34:11-16.

1. What was going on in Israel when Ezekiel wrote this passage? Where was Ezekiel when he wrote it?

2. Why was Israel in exile and facing impending destruction? (Hint:read Ezekiel 2:3-4)

3. In Ezekiel 34, the shepherd/sheep metaphor is prevalent. How is Israel like a sheep that has wandered away? Are we like that today?

4. Who is God holding accountable for Israel’s issues? (Hint:see verses 2, 10, 16 & 21) What does this mean for us today?

5. What charges does God lay out against Israel’s shepherd in verses 3-4? Are our modern leaders guilty of such things as well? Are we guilty of such things ourselves?

6. Who does God say will fix these problems in verses 11-16?

7. Why do you think Pastor Mick tied in Psalm 23 and John 10 with these Ezekiel passages?

8. How do verses 23 & 24 point to Jesus? Why is this chapter of Ezekiel a good lead in to the Advent season?

Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, we confess that sometimes we are a rebellious, stubborn and obstinate people. Please forgive us. Soften our hearts and draw us closer to you so that we may live in obedience to you. Help us to not be self-centered, but rather be selfless in the way we love and serve others in your name. And when we begin to wander, come after us and set us back on the right path through the power of your Holy Spirit. Be with us in every aspect of our lives and help us make your presence known to the whole world. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.