"He Gets Us" - Sermon
Read Hebrews 4: 14-16.
1. What does it mean for Jesus to be fully human and fully divine? Why is this
2. There’s an ancient expression that says, “He was as we are, and therefore He
will help; He was not as we are, and therefore He can.” What does this mean
to you?
3. What is the word “therefore” there for in today’s passage?
4. Read Hebrews 4: 13. What does this tell us about our need for Jesus?
5. How does the word “therefore” connect our human need with divine mercy
and grace?
6. Does verse 14 speak primarily about the humanity or divinity of Jesus? What
about verse 15?
7. In what ways do Jesus’ humanity and divinity help us? Why do we need Him
to have both of these natures?
8. Pastor Mick mentioned the “He Gets Us” ad campaign that has been popular
lately. What does it mean when we say “He Gets Us”? How does He “get”
us? How do we “get” Him?
9. How might today’s passage be a good lead-in to the Advent and Christmas
seasons? In what ways do we see the humanity and divinity of Jesus during
Advent and Christmas?
10. Next week we begin our Advent series entitled “Everybody Needs a Little
Jesus.” How does little Jesus (baby Jesus in the manger) reveal the humanity
and divinity of Jesus and our need for him to have both of these natures?
Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and Loving God,
Thank you for the gift of Your Son, Jesus the Christ, the Son of man and the Son
of God. Thank you for loving us so much that you would send him from the light
of heaven to the darkness of this world to put on flesh and dwell among us.
Thank you for entering your own creation in such a way that you not only relate
to us, but save us from ourselves. How comforting it is to know that you get us.
Even more comforting is the knowledge that Jesus gave his life to pay the price
for our sins; a price we could never pay on our own. Forgive us for the times
when we might take this for granted. Help us to live lives of gratitude so that we
might give you honor and glory as we invite others to know you as we do. We
pray all of this in the precious, holy and strong name of Jesus, our King of kings,
Lord of lords, and Great High Priest. Amen.