Rescue Me
Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection: Read Psalm 119: 169-176.
1. What does David ask for in verses 169 and 170?
2. Pastor Mick connected David’s request for understanding with James’ discussion on wisdom from above and wisdom from below (James 3: 17). What are these two types of wisdom? What are their sources? How do they differ? Which one is better?
3. How do verses 171 and 172 indicate that God’s Word shapes David’s praise?
4. Is anything holding you back from praising God like David? If so, what?
5. Chandler describes Scripture as an “Invitation from the Creator into the richest life possible.” What does he mean by that? Does that change how you relate to Scripture?
6. What do you think David means in verse 174 when he says, “I long for your salvation”? In what ways, if any, do you long for God?
7. Chandler talks about “Holy Dissatisfaction” or “Holy Discontentment.” What does he mean by those terms? Do you experience these things? If so, how?
8. Chandler describes God as an “inexhaustible well.” What does he mean by that?
9. Pastor Mick summed up Psalm 119 with two words: Rescue me. What did he mean by that? In what ways do we all need rescued? Who will rescue us?
Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, we long for a deeper, more intimate relationship with You. We long to have our lives shaped by Your Word and Your Spirit. We long to accept Your invitation to the richest life possible. We long to drink from Your inexhaustible well. But we confess, Lord, that we don’t always know how to do these things. Grant us the wisdom we need to turn away from worldly temptations and surrender our lives to You. Give us the gift of holy discontentment that drives us to seek an ever deeper, more intimate relationship with You. And when we, like sheep, go astray, rescue us. We pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.