The Yoke's On You
Go Deeper This Week
Scripture and questions for study and reflection:
Read Matthew 28:16-20
1. Why do you think today’s passage is commonly referred to as The Great Commission? What does it mean to be commissioned for something?
2. Pastor Mick said that in this passage, Jesus does essen ally three things: (1) reminds us He’s in charge, (2) gives us our marching orders, and (3) o ers us reassurance. Do you agree? What verses correspond with each of these things?
3. Jesus uses four ac on verbs in The Great Commission (Go, Make, Bap ze, Teach). What is signi cant about each of these ac on verbs? Why are they so important?
4. Pastor Mick talked about the disciples obeying Jesus in verse 16 and going to the mountain as Jesus commanded. Why is this important? How is such obedience important in keeping The Great Commission?
5. Why was it important for Jesus to tell the disciples (and us) that “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”? Does/should Jesus’ authority impact our obedience to The Great Commission?
6. Pastor Mick explained the concept of a Rabbi’s “yoke” and “smikhah.” How does this help you be er understand the well-known passage of Ma hew 11: 28-30? How does this relate to The Great Commission?
7. Pastor Mick said that discipleship is about “doing life together.” What did he mean by that? Do you agree? (hint: iron sharpens iron)
8. In verse 20 of today’s passage, Jesus says, “And surely I am with
you always, to the very end of the age.” What does he mean by this? How is this possible?
Prayer for the Week:
Lord Jesus, thank you for not leaving us alone, but remaining with us always through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for removing the burdensome yoke of the world from our shoulders and offering us instead your yoke of love. Help us to do a better job of loving one another so that we might truly make disciples and transform the world. We give all honor and glory to you, Lord Jesus, as we pray in your strong and holy name. Amen.