"The Messiah No One Imagined" Sermon

Mar 24, 2024

Scripture for Study and Reflection:

Friday before Palm Sunday, Arrival in Bethany – John 12: 1-11

Jesus arrived in Bethany six days before the Passover to spend time with his friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus.

Sunday, The Triumphal Entry (Palm Sunday)

Matthew 21: 1-11, Mark 11: 1-11; Luke 19: 28-44; John 12: 12-19

On the first day of the week, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling an ancient prophecy (Zechariah 9:9).

Monday, Clearing the Temple

Matthew 21: 12-17; Mark 11: 15-18; Luke 19: 45-48 Jesus returned to the Temple.

Tuesday, A Day of Teaching and Controversy

Mathew 21: 23-24, 51; Mark 11: 27-13, 37; Luke 20: 1-21: 36

Jesus taught in parables and warned the people to watch out for the Pharisees.

Wednesday – The Gospels do not mention this day. Read John 21.

Thursday, Passover, The Last Supper

Matthew 26: 17-30; Mark 14: 12-26; Luke 22: 7-23

In an upper room Jesus prepared both himself and his disciples for his death.

Friday, Crucifixion, Good Friday

Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 22: 66-23: 56

Following betrayal, arrest, desertion, false trials, denial, condemnation, beatings, and mockery, Jesus was required to carry his cross to The Place of the Skull, where he was crucified.

Saturday, In the Tomb - Jesus’ body was placed in the tomb before 6:00 p.m. Friday.

When the Sabbath began, all work stopped. The Gospels tell us that Jesus’ body continued to lay in the tomb throughout the Sabbath.

Sunday, Resurrection Day, Easter Sunday

Matthew 28: 1-10; Mark 16: 1-8; Luke 24: 1-49; John 20

Prayer for the Week:

Lord Jesus, we thank you for teaching us who God is, by learning and seeing God through you. Help us be like those first disciples and help us to proclaim that you are Lord and Savior of our life. Thank you, that because of your rising, we too have the promise of eternal life. In your name. Amen.