"So My Debts Are Paid...Or Are They?" Sermon

Apr 28, 2024

Scripture for Study and Reflection:

A team from GLUMC is participating in a reentry grant program through

the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections; training,

mentoring and grant reporting has been facilitated by All In Community.

1. What is a reentry coalition? It is a group committed to helping people

reintegrate into society after incarceration. What is recidivism? It is the

rate at which people return to an incarcerated state following release.

Reentry Coalitions reduce recidivism and increase public safety.

2. From 2019-2020 the overall recidivism rate in Ohio was 32.7%.

3. What is life like without hope? What does restorative hope look like

for our returning neighbors?

4. Why is it the local church's responsibility to lead the community in the

mission of restoring hope for those impacted by incarceration?

5. Read Matthew 25: 36-40. What would God have us do for those facing

barriers like lack of shelter and transportation, basic needs of clothing,

food, etc.? Listen to the song, "Do Something," by Matthew West and

take in the lyrics. How can you put these lyrics into action in our


6. What barriers do our returning neighbors face in the Grand Lake


7. Do you know someone who has been to jail? Are they living a stable

lifestyle now? Do they need some extra support from the coalition?

8. In what way can you help in this mission?

*If you would like to be involved in the Reentry Program or join the prayer

team, please mark the GPS stub today or contact the church office.

Prayer for the Week:

Father God, we know that you are the source of all our hope. And we

know there are people in our community living hopelessly, drowning in

defeat. We pray that your Holy Spirit would open our eyes to see the

helpless and hopeless all around us. We recognize our own nature to be

judgmental of others. Help us to remove the plank from our own eyes and

truly see your children. For we know the mission you have placed upon

us. Provide us with strength, wisdom, and patience as we step into new

relationships with returning neighbors. Help us to love like You do. We

give You thanks and praise for this new opportunity to serve You. We will

not let it pass us by. In your glorious name we pray. Amen