Wrong, Wrecked and Redeemed! - Sermon

Apr 7, 2024    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read John 21: 15-17 (see also Luke 22: 60-62).

1. In Luke 22 we read about Peter denying Jesus. Why did he deny knowing Jesus and being one of his disciples?

2. How do you think Peter felt when he heard the rooster crow and made eye contact with Jesus?

3. Have you ever denied Jesus, or kept Jesus at a distance, in your life? Why do you think you did that? How did you feel afterwards?

4. How is Jesus redeeming Peter in today’s passage from John 21?

5. Why did Jesus ask Peter three times if he loved him? What instructions does Jesus give Peter after he answers?

6. Pastor Mick said, “Jesus is letting Peter know that his mistakes do not disqualify him from his calling.” Do you agree with that? What does that mean for you?

7. Pastor Mick discussed the desire to be Humble, Hopeful, Healed and Whole. What did he mean by that? Do you feel like you need that, too? Does the church need that? Why/why not?

8. Why do you think this passage resonated so much with Pastor Mick recently? How does it resonate with you, and why?

Prayer for the Week:

Lord Jesus, thank you for not holding our sins and shortfalls against us. Thank you, Jesus, for doing for us on the cross what we could never do for ourselves. Thank you for redeeming us. Help us to share your redeeming love with the whole world. Amen.