
[Elevation Worship] by Chris Brown, Mack Brock, Wade Joye, and Steven Furtick 
Verse 1
You are the One
Who knows my need
Before I call
You tell the storm
When it will cease
Before it starts

Verse 2
The God above
Who searches deep
Within my heart
The highest praise
Cannot proclaim
How great You are

Chorus 1
There is none like
You None like
You The faithful One

Verse 3
No sacrifice
Can now repay
The debt I owe
Or earn this gift
Of righteousness
That was Your own

Verse 4
Still I will give
Myself away
To make You known
The name above
All other names
Is Yours alone

Misc 1

Name above all
Jesus You are
© © Music by Elevation Worship Publishing (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC)
CCLI Song # 7067562 -- CCLI License # 1972320