Blessed are the Persecuted - Contemporary
1. Read Matthew 5: 10-12. What does verse 10 state is the reason a believer should be persecuted? How do you interpret what Jesus is saying? What does verse 11 give as a reason for being blessed? Is this an area in your life where you have been blessed? How so? Verse 12 gives reason for rejoicing. Why is it important that the prophets who came before us were persecuted?
2. Read 2 Corinthians 4: 16-18. What is Paul’s perception of persecution and suffering? How does or doesn’t your perception compare to Paul’s? Do his words challenge you or convict you?
3. What kinds of persecution might Christians around the world be facing in today’s world? What kinds of persecution are you dealing with?
4. Matthew bookends The Beatitudes by saying, “theirs is the kingdom of heaven” in verses 3 and 10. What does he mean by kingdom of heaven? What is the promise Christ made to those who are persecuted?
5. Have you done anything in the last month that may have caused someone to challenge your faith? When have you been brave enough to speak out in favor of righteousness?
6. What do you do when difficult topics like evolution, abortion, materialism, etc. are brought up? Do you speak up and speak out for truth and righteousness?
Prayer for the Week:
Heavenly Father, thank you for The Beatitudes. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us full, to teach us and guide us and to instill in each of us these Beatitudes. Lord, please keep us mindful of what it means, on a daily basis, to stand up for you, for what we believe to be true, loving and helpful...even when we face rejection, cruelty, or criticism. Give us your wisdom to be humble enough to remember this Beattude: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Help us to stand firm in our faith, in our trust and in our belief in you, Lord. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.