Intersections - Contemporary

Jan 29, 2023    Pastor Mick Whistler

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection: 

Read John 4: 3-15.

What do you know about the relationship between the Jewish people and the Samaritans during Jesus’ time on earth?

What do you think the significance of verse 4 is when it says: “He (Jesus) had to go through Samaria”?

Jesus was a Jew, and yet he was willing to interact with a Samaritan woman. What does this tell you about His mission? What does this tell you about the mission He gives us today?

What is the “living water” that Jesus is referring to? Does the Samaritan woman understand what Jesus is saying? What is the thirst that will be quenched permanently by living water?

Why was the Samaritan woman likely drawing water in the heat of the day? What does this tell us about how she was viewed by her own people?

In what ways did Jesus break down barriers in this passage? In what ways is the church called to break down barriers today?

How will you allow Jesus to use you in seeking people at a crossroad or an intersection in their life? Will you allow Jesus to use you to say/do just the right thing, at just the right time, to just the right person in just the right way? How?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious and loving God, help me to be a bold and courageous witness for you. Give me your eyes to see the intersections where I can share your Good News with those who have yet to hear and understand it. Inspire and empower me to offer hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless, and the grace of Jesus Christ to everyone. Fill me to overflowing with your Holy Spirit, so that your love flows out of me and onto everyone with whom I cross paths. Help me to be all that you created and called me to be, walking humbly and faithfully along-side those you place in my life. I pray all of this in the strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.