"Entering the Kingdom" - Contemporary Worship

May 26, 2024    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read John 3: 1-17.

1. Who is Nicodemus? Why does he come to Jesus at night?

2. Read Matthew 23. What does Jesus think about the Pharisees based

on this passage? What are the Pharisees doing wrong?

3. Do you ever see modern-day Christians acting like Pharisees? If so, in

what way? Do you ever act like a Pharisee? If so, what needs to


4. Why do you think Nicodemus was drawn to Jesus? Why do you think

Nicodemus struggled so much with Jesus’ teaching?

5. The Greek word “anothen” is used in verse 3 meaning one must be

born again/from above. What does this mean? Why are both of these

meanings important?

6. Read verses 5 & 6. What does it mean to be born of water and the


7. What is Jesus talking about in verse 14 regarding being “lifted up”?

How does this relate to Moses lifting up the snake in the wilderness?

(Hint: see Numbers 21: 4-9)

8. Think about John 3: 16. Can you quote it from memory? If not, go

ahead and read it. What does this verse mean to you?

9. Now think about John 3: 17. Can you quote it from memory

(probably not)? If not, go ahead and read it. What does this verse

mean to you? How might these two verses be difficult for a Pharisee

to accept?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious and Loving God,

We come before you in gratitude for the wisdom and truth unveiled

through Your Word. We thank you for your boundless love and the gift

of salvation through Your Son, Jesus Christ. May the seeds of faith planted

in our hearts today take root and flourish, bearing fruits of righteousness

and love in our lives. Grant us the courage to embrace your truth and the

humility to surrender to your will. As we depart from this sacred space,

may your presence go with us, guiding our steps and illuminating our

paths. Help us to be beacons of your light in a world shrouded in

darkness, sharing your love and grace with all whom we encounter. We

entrust our lives into your loving hands, knowing that you provide for all

of our needs. May your name be glorified in all that we say and do. In

Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.