Have Mercy - Traditional

May 14, 2023    Pastor Mick Whistler

Read Matthew 5: 1-12 – The Beatitudes.

1. Chandler describes mercy in two different ways during this week’s session: (1) the act of withholding punishment or consequences from someone who’s done wrong, and (2) the giving of undeserved acceptance and blessing. What do you think about these two definitions? Is this how you have traditionally understood mercy?

2. The Main Idea for this week is that God meets us with mercy, not condemnation, and transforms us into people who extend mercy to others. Do you agree with this? How well do you (and the Church) live this out on a daily basis?

3. Where in your own life do you recognize receiving God’s mercy? Does this prompt you to extend mercy more readily to others? (be honest)

4. Read Matthew 18: 21-35. What is this Parable of the Unmerciful Servant meant to teach us? How do you feel after reading that parable?

5. Chandler discusses the way God’s mercy, which he also describes as “God’s unspeakable kindness,” draws people in and leads to repentance. Do you agree with his assessment? How might mercy have this effect on people?

6. Read Matthew 7: 1-5 regarding judging others. Why do you think Pastor Mick referenced this passage in a sermon about mercy? How are mercy and judgment related?

7. Read James 2: 12-13. What does this passage tells us about mercy and judgment? Which one should be our primary focus as followers of Jesus? Why?

8. Read 2 Corinthians 5: 20-21. In what way is God’s mercy reflected in this passage? In what way, as ambassadors of Christ, are we called to extend this mercy to others?

9. How do you understand the meaning and importance of the verse, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”? How does/ should that impact the way you live your life?

Prayer of the Week:

Gracious and loving God, we praise you and thank you for offering us your unspeakable kindness that leads us to repentance and an ever-deepening relationship with you. We are so grateful that you withhold the eternal punishment and consequences we deserve for our sin, and instead offer us undeserved blessing and acceptance. Thank you Lord, for your mercy, and forgive us for the times we have failed to extend such mercy to others. Help us to do better. Give us the vision we need to see everyone as you see them, so that we can offer mercy rather than judgment. Help us to be true ambassadors of Christ in this world, drawing others into a deeper relationship with you, through mercy and repentance. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.