Develop A Godly Appetite - Contemporary

May 7, 2023    Pastor Diane Mendelson

Scripture and Questions for Study and Reflection:

1. Read Matthew 5: 6. Do you fully understand what Jesus is saying in this beatitude?

2. What does the word righteousness mean to you? What do you think Jesus wants you to glean from this word? What does it mean to be hungry and thirsty for righteousness?

3. Think about a time when you were extremely thirsty. What emotions do you remember feeling? What could that experience tell us about what it means to hunger and thirst for righteousness?

4. How would you rate your hunger from 1 to 10 for the following righteous works: knowing God, knowing his Word, and sharing the gospel? What specific works has God cultivated a desire for in your life? How are you serving and living it out?

5. What are the things that get in the way of you spending time with God? What are you willing to change in your life to create a hunger and a thirst for God?

6. Read the following Scriptures: Psalm 27: 4, Psalm 42: 1, Psalm 63: 1 and John 6: 35. Can these passages encourage you to hunger and thirst more for God? Would it be helpful to add them to your daily quiet time with God?

7. Pastor Diane shared Chandler’s four ways that we as humans relate and how we should experience each of them in our life. Do these help you achieve a “right relationship” with God? How do they affect your understanding of righteousness?

8. Pastor Diane shared Chandler’s “Kingdom Principle.” Dissatisfaction is the Pathway to Satisfaction. What are your thoughts on this Principle? How might it help you in your life?

Prayer for the Week:

Gracious God in Heaven, we come to you this day in humble submission recognizing that there is none righteous but You. You alone can declare what is right and what is wrong. Oh Lord, help us to hunger and thirst for you more and more every day. We thank you, Lord that you have not left us alone on this journey we call life. Thank you for Your son Jesus Christ and thank you for the Holy Spirit that draws us closer to You. May our hunger and thirst for you never be dulled or quenched. Please help us to seek your righteousness when we are feeling empty. And Lord, when we feel we have nothing, be our everything. When we are weak, be our strength. For it is in your mighty name Jesus, we pray. Amen.