Pray for One Another - Contemporary

Sep 3, 2023

Read James 5: 1-6. - How does wealth destroy people?

Read James 5: 7-11. - The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. In what ways have you experienced God's compassion and mercy?

Read James 5: 12.

1. Compare this to Matthew 5: 33-37. How does Matthew's expanded version help your understanding?

2. What does swearing an oath accomplish, over a mere yes or no?

Read James 5: 13-16.

1. Have you seen oil used with prayer at a baptism, healing, or with an Emmaus team? If so, what were your thoughts?

2. When we sin, why do we need spiritual healing? Who would you confess your sin to?

3. If a Christian turns from the truth, who does James say is responsible for bringing that person back?

4. Why is bringing someone back into the fold a privilege as well as a responsibility? 

James’ letter covered joyfulness, perseverance, studying/learning so we aren’t deceived, listening & then doing, loving without judging, favoritism, sin is sin, faith-filled deeds, watching our words, taming our tongue, heavenly wisdom, choosing the world over humble submission, purifying our hearts & minds, the sin of selfish wealth & boasting, the gift of patience, and various kinds of prayer.

1. What in James’ letter has been the greatest encouragement?

2. What in James’ letter has been the greatest personal challenge?

Prayer for the Week:

Breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love in the way you love, and do what you would do. Amen.