"Gratitude for Grace" - Traditional Worship
Read Luke 7: 36-50.
1. Pastor Mick described this passage as “The Tale of Two Sinners.”
What did he mean by that? Who are the two sinners? How are
they similar / different?
2. What did the woman do to Jesus’ feet and why did she do it?
3. Why was Simon the Pharisee so upset with the woman’s
4. Read Luke 18: 9-14. How is this passage similar to today’s
passage? What are these passages trying to tell us?
5. Read Matthew 23: 27-28. What is Jesus saying about the
Pharisees in these verses? How does that correlate with Simon
the Pharisee in today’s passage?
6. Pastor Mick said that grace and forgiveness aren’t a “license to
sin” and it doesn’t mean “anything goes.” What did he mean by
that? How should grace and forgiveness change our lives?
7. Read Matthew 7: 3-5. Who, in today’s passage, has a plank in
their eye? Do they know they have a plank in their eye? If not,
what is preventing them from understanding this?
8. Why is gratitude for God’s grace so important? What impact
does such gratitude have on our lives going forward?
Prayer for the Week:
Gracious and loving God, have mercy on us, as we are sinners. Break
down any pride or arrogance within us; and fill us with humility and
gratitude. Remind us often of the great sacrifice your Son, our Lord
Jesus, made for us so that our sins can be forgiven. Help us to never
take your grace, his sacrifice, and our forgiveness for granted.
Instead, inspire us to continuously repent of our sins and love
beyond measure, just as you love us. And as we love others, may
they experience your presence and your grace for themselves, that
they also may receive mercy and forgiveness. We ask all of this in
the precious, holy and strong name of Jesus, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.