This is For the Birds - Contemporary

Jun 25, 2023    Liz Trigg

Dear Grand Lake UMC,

One of my favorite hymns has always been, Here I Am, Lord. Here is the refrain:

Here I am, Lord

Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night

I will go, Lord, If You lead me

I will hold Your people in my heart

Four years ago, when I heard God calling me out of my career as a teacher, I told Him I would go where He led me. I’m so thankful He led me to Grand Lake. You are the church that taught me how to do full time ministry and you helped me to develop a stronger faith. You are the people who endured my very first sermon and lifted me up in times of grief. You are the place where I received my call into ordained ministry and where I learned new ways to love and serve. Grand Lake was my classroom, long before I began seminary.

I care deeply for you all, but especially the youth of Grand Lake and Celina. I am grateful that you entrusted me with them, because they have taught me so much and have filled me with an indescribable joy. Grand Lake is blessed to have such faithful and spirit filled teens and young adults. I am particularly thankful for the small groups I have been blessed to be a part of, the trips I have been able to participate in, and the people who selflessly support the youth of Grand Lake.

Just as the refrain repeats itself in the song, the Lord called to me again. You have been instrumental in my ministry journey. I will forever be grateful for the many ways you have equipped, supported, and encouraged me. You have asked about my seminary classes, prayed for me, and voted to affirm my call, allowing me to become a Certified Candidate for Ministry in hopes of becoming an Ordained Elder in the UMC, someday. However, this provided an opportunity for me to be appointed to a church, so that I may continue to grow and learn through practice.

The Bishop has appointed me to serve as the pastor at Amlin UMC in the Columbus area, beginning July 1. So, once again, I am going where God is leading. I am excited that I get to share with a new congregation all that you, at Grand Lake, have taught me. As the song says, I will hold you in my heart, as I have for many years now, just from a bit farther away.

Thank you and blessings to you,

Liz Trigg