"Ride the Wind and Fan the Flames" Traditional Worship
Read Acts 2: 1-6.
1. Verse 6 tells us that “there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing
Jews from every nation under heaven.” Why were all of these people
in Jerusalem at that time?
2. According to verse 1, Jesus’ closest followers were “all together in one
place.” What were they doing? Why were they there? Why did Jesus
tell them to wait there? (see Acts 1: 4-5)
3. Why do you think the Holy Spirit is often described as wind? How can
you tell when the wind is blowing in nature?
4. Can you think of some things in nature that have been affected /
shaped by wind? How does Holy Spirit affect / shape our lives?
5. How have you experienced the power of wind? What’s it like going
against the wind versus going with the wind? What does that tell us
about our alignment with the Holy Spirit?
6. What were the followers of Jesus enabled to do when the tongues of
fire came to rest on each of them?
7. Why do you think they were like tongues of “fire”? (Hint: purification
and urgency)
8. In what ways can this Pentecost event be understood as “reversing
the curse” of Babel?
9. Why do we often refer to Pentecost as the birthday of the church?
Prayer for the Week:
God we love you so much and we want to be your Pentecost people.
Send the wind of your Holy Spirit to blow powerfully in this place and set
our hearts on fire for you. Grant us the wisdom to discern where you are
leading us and give us the courage to follow you there. Speak to our
hearts in ways we can understand and help us to share the Good News
with others in ways they can understand. Help us to fan the flames of
faith of every person. Whatever our station in life, Lord, draw us closer to
you and use us in ways that help others to do the same. Transform each
of us more and more into Christ’s likeness. Help each and every one of us
be fully submitted and committed disciples of Jesus, going out into the
world to make new disciples and transform the world, that we might be
a blessing to all peoples of the earth. We pray this in the name of Jesus,
through the power of the Holy Spirit, to your great glory Almighty God,
now and forever. Amen.