Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing
Scripture and questions for study and reflection:
Read Titus 3:3-15.
1. Why do you think Paul starts this section off by reminding Titus how they used to act before following Christ? What does that advice mean for us today?
2. What are the eight characteristics Paul identifies as common behaviors before one enters a relationship with Jesus? When/how have you acted in those ways? Do you still act those ways sometimes, even though you follow Jesus?
3. Read verses 4 and 5. How do those verses make you feel? How should those verses impact the way we treat other people?
4. Read verse 9. Do you think Paul had specific things in mind? What things come to mind for our modern church and world? Are we dealing with things the way we should?
5. Pastor Mick shared the quote, “In essentials unity. In non-essentials liberty. In all things charity.” Have you heard this before? How does it make you feel? Do you agree with the intent of this saying? Why/why not?
6. What does it mean to “Keep the main thing the main thing”? How are you doing at that? How is the Church doing at that? What changes are needed?
7. What things do you think are essential and what things are non-essential? How did the early/ancient church deal with these questions?
8. In Romans 5:8 Paul says, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” How does that relate to today’s passage? How should that influence the way we live our lives and treat other people?
Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, thank you for the reminder through Paul’s words in today’s passage that we are all spiritual works in progress. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. Thank you, Lord, for your love and kindness that offers us salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. We surrender our lives to you anew this day. We invite the Holy Spirit to have free reign in our hearts and lives so that we may be transformed more into the image of Jesus every day. Forgive us for the times we engage in foolish, unprofitable and useless controversies, arguments and quarrels. Help us instead to focus on your love and the truth of the gospel. Help us keep the main thing the main thing by sharing the love of Jesus with everyone. Help us devote ourselves to doing good so that others will come to know you and your name will be glorified. We pray all of this in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.