"Truth Be Told" - Traditional Worship
Read Exodus 20: 1-17 (today’s focus is v. 16).
1. What do you think of when you hear the word “lie”? What does
“lying” mean to you?
2. Why is it is so important to always tell the truth? What can happen
if we don’t tell the truth?
3. Commandment #9 refers to “false testimony” or “false witness,”
depending on the translation. What do these terms mean? Do
they expand your understanding of why lying is so dangerous?
If so, how?
4. Read Proverbs 12: 22. What does this verse teach us about our
relationship with God?
5. You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Truth hurts.” What does this
phrase mean? If the truth hurts, why are we supposed to tell it?
What happens if we lie in an attempt to avoid the hurt?
6. Read Ephesians 4: 25. What does this teach us about our life
together in community? What can happen when we don’t follow
this advice?
7. What are some ways lying can hurt the person telling the lie? How
can it hurt others?
8. What did you think about the lyrics to Matthew West’s song, “Truth
Be Told”? Have you ever told those lies? How might life be better
if you didn’t?
9. Read John 8: 32. How does the truth set you free?
10. Read Acts 1: 8. How does this verse add new meaning and
importance to the term “false witness”?
Prayer for the Week:
Almighty God, we confess that the 9th Commandment is more difficult
than we originally thought. Forgive us for all of the ways, big and small,
intentionally and inadvertently, that we bear false witness to our
neighbors. Help us to truly put off all falsehood and speak truthfully to
our neighbors. Even when it’s hard, and even when we’re scared, help
us to stand up and let the truth be told. And in so doing, may we all
experience the peace and freedom of your truth. We pray all of this
in the name of the One who makes it all possible, our Risen Lord and
Savior, Jesus the Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy
Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.